Does Exercise Actually Help With Sleep?
We have all been there, laying in bed at two in the morning wondering why you can not fall asleep. You were tired before you went to bed but as soon as your head hit that pillow the insomnia set in. Unfortunately this happens to far too many of us. Research suggests that, on average, 40% of adults suffer from some sort of insomnia. Whether it is an extreme or a mild case, we can all agree that sleepless nights lead to difficult, foggy days.
Can Exercise Promote Better Sleep?
There has been extensive research on sleep patterns and exercise. It turns out, exercise really does help improve not only the quality of sleep but the length of time you are able to stay asleep. You may be saying to yourself "I get a moderate amount of exercise daily and still can not sleep". This may be true but not all exercise is created equal. Of course any type of daily exercise is good for your overall health, but aerobic activity is what contributes to a healthy sleep cycle.
Let's take a deeper look at what that means. Aerobic exercise is defined as any type of physical activity that increases the heart rate and the body's use of oxygen. Some examples of aerobic activity include swimming laps, running, walking, and biking. These exercises elevate your heart rate quickly and keep it there for the length of the activity.
How Often Does Aerobic Exercise Need To Be Performed To Improve Sleep?
Studies suggest that 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity performed daily may help improve sleep. In some cases, people noted improvement the very same day. Interesting, right?
When aerobic activity is performed may be an integral part in improving sleep. One study done by John Hopkins Medicine noted that the feedback received from the participants indicated that doing exercise right before bed had an opposite effect. In fact, it made the sleep patterns worse in many participants. This is in part because aerobic exercise causes the body to release endorphins for up to one to two hours following activity and it also raises the core body temperature for up to ninety minutes. So, it is safe to say that a person should give themselves a couple hours between exercise and bedtime to really get the benefits of improved sleep.
Do Not Worry, OnMi Patches Can Help!
OnMi has you covered when it comes to restless nights and sleep deprived days. Start your better sleep journey with the OnMi Relax Relief Patch. This patch has been backed by science to help soothe overall stresses. Applying the OnMi Relax Relief Patch during the day will give your body what it needs for a restful night's sleep.
If your problem is not falling asleep but instead staying asleep, OnMi has just what you need. The OnMi Sleep Support Patch will help you fall asleep faster and improve the overall quality of sleep. The combination of chamomile, lavender, valerian, and passionflower help to relax and destress the body allowing for an improved night of sleep.
What happens if you wake up feeling tired and need a little boost of energy? Try the OnMi Energy Support Patch. This patch offers a natural caffeine boost without the jitters. The science backed combination of ingredients will have you feeling energized all day long.
All OnMi patches are hypoallergenic and safe for daily use. Don't let restless nights define you any more. Combine at least 30 minutes of daily aerobic exercise and our OnMi patches for a better quality of sleep and a more energized day. Isn't it time to dream again?